Cat Preventive Care - FAQs 1

Hannah Grant, DVM
Brunswick Veterinary Hospital

What does preventative care do for the health of my cat?

So preventative care can kind of help increase the quality of life and the longevity of our pets, basically by ensuring that they're well taken care of and also preventing any onset or progression of diseases they might have.

What illnesses are staved off by good preventative care for my cat?

A lot of illnesses can be staved off by good preventative care. To name a couple, dental disease or infectious illness can be prevented. Also, any kind of infectious disease like intestinal parasites, fleas, and ticks can be prevented with preventative care.

Will preventative care keep my cat flea and tick free?

There are lots of preventatives available to keep your pet flea and tick free. There are different topicals and even oral medications that we can use to treat your pets to help kill any ongoing infestation and also prevent infestation from outside sources.

How does preventative care help my kitten?

Preventative care can help your kitten by boosting their immunity against common diseases that kittens can get, including feline leukemia virus and feline parvovirus.

How does preventative care help my adult cat?

Preventative care can help your adult cat by delaying the progression of diseases like dental disease or underlying ongoing issues like arthritis as they get older.

How does preventative care help my senior cat?

Preventative care helps your senior cat by delaying the progression of any diseases they might have. For example, if they're dealing with arthritis or ongoing kidney disease, preventative care can help mitigate or delay the progression of those issues.

Cat Preventive Care - FAQs 2

Hannah Grant, DVM
Brunswick Veterinary Hospital

What does preventative cat care mean?

Preventative cat care is basically whatever we can do either in the clinic or at home to help delay or prevent the onset of disease in our feline patients.

How does cat preventative care help my cat?

Preventative care can help your cat by preventing or delaying the onset of disease and also protecting them against any kind of infectious or ongoing illness.

What will my veterinarian do during a cat preventative care appointment?

In a cat preventative care or wellness appointment, your veterinarian will typically start with a full nose-to-tail wellness exam to check for any kind of subtle or underlying evidence of disease. Additionally, if animals are due for any vaccinations, we will update their vaccinations at that time, including the rabies vaccination and the feline distemper vaccination, to cover them from common infectious diseases. Additionally, we might prescribe a dewormer to prevent or treat any intestinal parasites as well as a medication to treat for fleas, ticks, or if there's any evidence of it, any kind of mites.

What can I do at home for cat preventative care?

There's lots you can do at home for cat preventative care. Your typical flea and tick preventions and dewormers are things you can purchase or pick up from your veterinarian to treat and keep your cat healthy and happy. Other things you can do include dental care, careful dietary management, and also just keeping a good eye on your cat and alerting your veterinarian early on if you notice any changes in behavior.

Is cat preventative care optional?

It is optional. However, I highly recommend preventative care in our feline patients, mostly because these guys have a very limited lifespan and whatever we can do to improve the quality and the longevity of their life is what we should aim to do with our pets.

Do I need to consider flea and tick preventative for my cat's preventative care?

I always recommend flea and tick preventatives for all cats, whether they're indoor only, indoor-outdoor, or outdoor only, specifically because fleas and ticks not only can cause lots of nasty infections, but they can also infect your cat with any kind of communicable disease, including any tapeworm.

If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (518) 279-0700, or you can email us at [email protected]. But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram